
Only Competence Talks, Not Gender


At Sandsoft Games we continuously support inclusiveness and equality. Today we talked to Lauren Lu, Business Development Lead, China on one of the most important topics that have been widely discussed in the industry – the role of women in games.

Lauren shared that women in games is not among the mostly discussed topics in China, “because female employees are very common in gaming companies in China”.

How have women’s roles in the gaming industry in China evolved over the years?

“Based on my observation, – said Lauren, – the change is not obvious. Let’s see from two aspects, firstly the roles, women in game companies are more likely in the role of Marketing, PR, Business Development and Art Design, and that didn’t change for recent years. Then their position ranks: it’s quite normal that with the gaming market and company development, more female executives and managerial roles now actively perform in the workplace.”

Do you feel supported and appreciated in your current working surrounding? Did you get support when you decided to pursue your career in gaming?

“As far as I experienced, there was never restriction on women in this industry in China. Female and male employees enjoy same and equal company benefits, get same level salary, choose whatever role that she could be up to. Only competence talks not gender.”